What We ManufactureImproving Airline Safety with Honeywell’s SmartX System
The Honeywell Corporation was the first to design, certify and introduce the Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS) to the aviation industry in 2004. The basic RAAS is a detection system that provides aircraft flight crews with information concerning the aircraft position relative to an airport’s runway (while operating on the ground) and functions by providing audible alerts to confirm runway identification. It also provides an aural alarm if it detects undue acceleration (indicating an attempt to take off) while the aircraft is on a taxiway instead of a designated runway. This is made possible by a software enhancement to the Aircraft’s Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) or Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS).
In 2009, Honeywell added the SmartRunway and SmartLanding Systems to enhance the capabilities of the RAAS. The SmartRunway System works with an existing Mark V EGPWS and uses ground navigation GPS data to issue advisories based on aircraft position when compared against airport locations stored in the EGPWS Runway Database. The SmartLanding System was designed to help reduce the risk of runway incursions by adding audible and text alerts to the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) to identify problematic aircraft landing configurations including altitude variances and exceeding the recommended speed thresholds on landings.

L2 FAA STC/PMA Installation Kits for the Honeywell RAAS Upgrades
L2 has integrated RAAS technologies by providing STC/PMA Kits, installing and providing Engineering Support for the latest systems offered by Honeywell. For those aircraft owners and operators who are interested in integrating the newest RAAS options, L2 can provide the following FAA STC/PMA Kits for the following aircraft types:
FAA STC/PMA Kits for ACARS DataLink
L2 has integrated the latest ACARS DataLink technologies by installing and providing Engineering Support for the latest systems offered by Collins Aerospace, Honeywell, and for our own FAA STC/PMA Kit. For those aircraft owners and operators who are interested in integrating the newest ACARS options, L2 can provide the following FAA STC/PMA Kits and solutions for the following aircraft types: