AOG Support

Industry leader in providing quick and cost effective solutions to your avionic fleet.

2100 East Highway 290
Dripping Springs, Texas 78620


What We ManufactureMini Quick Access Recorder (MiniQAR)

Talking to aircraft operators, from large fleets to individuals, the new normal is extracting data from the aircraft and using it in a myriad of ways. Some use it for Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA), in the pursuit of improving cockpit decisions, some airlines are testing programs that use the aircraft data for real-world predictive maintenance and are seeing fabulous results.

The aircraft data source can be the FMS Bus, the GPS Bus or a FDAU, and a Quick Access Recorder (QAR) being fed by those sources through ARINC 429 or 717 connections, suggesting this is not a complex or expensive installation. L2 achieved a Part 23 Approved Model List (AML) STC for Avionica to provide the installation of Avionica’s miniQAR MkIII in 2018. The AML aircraft include over 20 different Part 23 turbine aircraft.

While this acceptance of collecting data to improve all aspects of flight is a milestone by itself, it is the recognition that the real value of this endeavor is the data itself, not the hardware required such as a miniQAR. Airlines, Part 91 and Part 135 operators and third-party service providers are beginning to see the “True Value” of data and are finding ways to monetize it. This realization changes the discussion from “What does it cost to buy and install it?” to “What can I do with all this data?” That transformation is often referred to as Crossing The Chasm.

L2 Aviation - MiniQAR
L2 Aviation - MiniQAR
Thanks for the high quality product and dedication of all L2 personnel involved in this project, it has been successfully completed with no issues and earlier than anticipated. All the technical, program management and support stuffs have been supportive, accommodative, proactive and very professional. It was really pleasure working with this kind of team and company. Once again L2 has set the bar high.
Mesfin Ali
Project Engineer