AOG Support

Industry leader in providing quick and cost effective solutions to your avionic fleet.

2100 East Highway 290
Dripping Springs, Texas 78620

Breakout Boxes

What We ManufactureThe Right Test Equipment, when and where you need it!

Regardless of the mission, it is imperative to have the right test equipment available to the operator to verify the proper operation of the new equipment being installed in today’s commercial airline environment. With the adaptation of many of the newest digital SatCom and NAV technologies, the test equipment needed to confirm the conformity and integrity of the new system is designed and built taking into account the multitude of variations between aircraft that one can encounter in the field.

Product Manufacturing and Avionics Manufacturing at L2 Aviation

In order to improve our efficiency and to verify operational compliance of the systems we install, L2 designs, manufactures and utilizes a wide variety of Avionics Breakout Boxes to adequately test all of the systems we integrate. In addition to supporting the installation phase of each integration project, our test equipment is used by aviation maintenance professionals all over the globe to support system activation, expedite maintenance operations, and to streamline any discrepancy troubleshooting process. At L2 we design and manufacture Test Equipment that can power up and isolate a system from the remainder of the systems on the aircraft or to isolate a segment or portion of an effected system. Our Breakout Boxes span a wide spectrum of avionics functionality with multiple variations incorporated to suit each customer’s needs.

Aircraft Systems that L2 has designed and built Breakout Boxes to support:

All of L2’s Breakout Boxes are built-to-order and are manufactured to the same stringent standards applied during manufacture of our FAA STC/PMA Kits through our FAA Certified Repair Station (L2ZR265X) with Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA). We can either “Build-To-Print” or custom build a test box that meets your needs, on your schedule.