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Press Release

L2 Consulting Services, Inc. Receives Part 23 AML‐STC for Avionica MiniQAR

Dripping Springs, Texas – April 11, 2018 ‐ L2 Aviation is proud to announce the company has received its first Approved Model List Supplemental Type Certificate (AML‐STC) for the installation of Avionica miniQARs (Miniature Quick Access Recorder) and 4G cellular transmission modules for use on Part 23 turboprops and popular Part 23 light jets. The AML‐STC (SA09887AC) is now FAA approved and suitable for aircraft such as the HondaJet, Pilatus PC‐12, Beechcraft King Airs, Phenom 100 & 300, and the Part 23 Cessna Citations, among others. The data acquisition solution marries the Avionica miniQAR MkIII with their avCM 4G Cellular Module to enable operators to get automated flight data offloaded to their preferred ground systems, and Avionica’s proprietary cloud service, avSYNC. The system also supports on‐ground internet access for In‐Flight Entertainment Systems (IFE), Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) updates, and operational datalinks. This marks both the first FAA Part 23, and AML‐STC for L2 Aviation.

“There is growing need for data solutions in all classes of aircraft and the popular Avionica miniQAR and avCM Cellular Module will make for safer operations and may enable FOQA programs for Part 23 aircraft with newly available data. Our certification team capitalized on our excellent relationship with Avionica and its existing certifications for Part 25 aircraft data management equipment,” said L2 Aviation’s Vice President of Operations Dean Rudolph. “It was a great pleasure working with the Avionica team to expand their air transport solutions into the small aircraft market.”

“The miniQAR Mk III packs a lot of recording capability into a very small package,” said Avionica Sales Vice President Anthony Rios. “We pioneered miniaturized QAR’s for aviation back in the 1990s and now, with wireless transfer capabilities, solid‐state reliability, 3,000 hours of recording capacity, and easy installation, operators of light jets can now take advantage of this industry‐leading data management capability.”

L2 provided Avionica with all the required installation engineering design, project management and achieved the certification for the installation of the miniQAR/avCM system.

About L2
L2 Consulting Services, Inc. ( provides avionics engineering, integration and installation services (FAA CRS L2ZR265X) for the global air transport industry. Since 1997, the company has been performing integration of digital avionics systems into analog and digital aircraft. Additionally, L2 offers full installation and support capabilities. L2 specializes in Satcom, EFB, e‐Enabled, Flat Panels, ACARS/DataLink, RAAS, TAWS, Terminal and Cabin Wireless, Flight Data and FMS among other avionics systems.

About Avionica
Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Miami, Avionica is the world’s leading aircraft data collection and data transmission manufacturer, designing and producing innovative, safety‐qualified, state of the art solutions that are revolutionizing air transportation. For more information, please visit Connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.