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Press Release

L2 Consulting Services Inc. Receives STC for A330 Iridium SATCOM Installation

World’s First STC on A330 Iridium SATCOM for Rockwell Collins ICS-220A with ATS Safety Voice

Dripping Springs, Texas – August 23, 2018 – L2 Aviation is pleased to announce the company has received an FAA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the installation of the Rockwell Collins Iridium SATCOM system on A330-200 and A330-300 aircraft. While L2 has achieved similar STCs for the Iridium SATCOM installation on other airframes (including the 737, 747, 757, 767 and 777), this latest STC represents the first Iridium ICS-220A/IRT-2120 approval for Air Traffic Service (ATS) Safety Voice service. The Safety Voice service provides aircraft operators with an alternative to existing HF radio systems, replacing one with a secure satellite-based option for long-range communications. The Iridium SATCOM installation includes single and dual channel, ATS Safety Voice, and data link capability.

“We are proud to have successfully completed this Iridium SATCOM STC project for the A330- 200/-300 series aircraft. This new A330 STC fully complies with the guidance as outlined in FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-150B,” said John Letlow, Program Manager. “We will now incorporate ATS Safety Voice approvals in all our ICS-220A and IRT-2120 Satcom STCs.”

Additionally, L2’s design for this STC also incorporates a multi-purpose doubler provisions that will allow the installation of either the Inmarsat HELGA, Low Gain Inmarsat antenna and an ALGA antenna, defined by ARINC 771, supporting Iridium Certus services without having to make additional structural modifications to the aircraft.

Contracted by Rockwell Collins, L2 provided engineering design, project and certification management, kit manufacturing, and on-site engineering support for Rockwell Collins’ end customer, Delta Air Lines.

About L2
L2 Consulting Services, Inc. ( provides avionics engineering, integration and installation services (FAA CRS L2ZR265X) for the global air transport industry. Since 1997, the company has been performing integration of digital avionics systems into analog and digital aircraft. Additionally, L2 offers full installation and support capabilities. L2 specializes in Satcom, EFB, e-Enabled, Flat Panels, ACARS/DataLink, RAAS, TAWS, Terminal and Cabin Wireless, Flight Data and FMS among other avionics systems.